
Directions to Waking St. / Nancy Lynée Woo

Image by the author.

Image by the author.

Start at the intersection of—

a million geese 
making bright 
the large lawn
of Central Park
public library 

Make a wide left at—

a coot’s green feet
wading through mud,
golden retriever 
wrestling a big stick
in a tiny creek

Turn right when you get to—

lil mr. pups wanting to run
after every flock, peeing
on daybreak’s shadow
shaking with excitement

Arrive at—

the moon galloping
after clouds, sundial 
rotating clockwise
as the pen hits the page
and the stars hit snooze

Keep going—

a walk every day
sharpens the brain
and disciplines the heel
of feeling—

Remember to thank—

little paws striking 
pavement, a thousand 
lightning bugs 
lifting him up—

Nancy Lynée Woo spends her free time hitching a ride to the other side of maybe. She is an MFA candidate at Antioch University and a 2015 PEN America Emerging Voices Fellow. Find her online at nancylyneewoo.com and @fancifulnance everywhere.